Friday, September 19, 2008

Some loose ends

Going through the Ottoman, otherwise known as my knitting project storage area, I came across the dreaded Easter egg sweater, and tried it on Marly. Success! But the real reason I went in there was to put an end once and for all to the torturous bathmat project. Turns out I couldn't bring myself to unravel it, so I just bound it off, and now we have a lion's mane/green wig/boa for dress-up.

Another old project I dragged out was the bonnet to go with this lovely christening gown made by a friend of my mom's. Somehow the matching bonnet was lost after Conway's baptism, so when Washington was baptized four years ago, I managed to crochet some approximation. The stitches at the front of the head match, but the back of the head is a little bit fudged, with the original stitches taken in. I'm set to give bonnets another try very soon, though, because I want to make Marly the kind of ruffled headwarmer that all our French friends use for their babies. I've searched around for a pattern but have not yet been satisfied. I may end up trying to fabricate one, and we'll see how that goes.